
Katlynn~ March 5, 2011

Katlynn~ March 5, 2011
I might be bias... but she is beautiful!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Initiating social play....

So Katlynn was in the trampoline and She said to Audrie, "hold my hand, hold my hand".  Audrie did take her hand and it only lasted about a minute before Katlynn was done with the physical contact of hand holding, but it is still very sweet to see her initiating it.  I think the music and movement class is really helping with that.

This was really nice to see after a rough week with Katlynn.  Moody and somewhat irritable.  Nothing super bad but just not her typical self, which is normally more typical.  She was just cranky.  Hoping that it was short lived and she'll be back to herself this week.  I think she was having gas and constipation issues.  We still haven't really resolved them permanently as they come and go. Anyone with suggestions?  My Dr. suggests prune juice, but K doesn't like it.  I don't give her OTC stuff, because the kid versions don't do anything and I am not comfortable with her having adult versions for a 3 year old regardless of dosage.  If a Pharmacist is telling me it can be harmful because it is not designed for children under age 6, I am going to believe them.


  1. BB takes lactulose. it's a syrup, so it's easy to adjust the dose to just the right amount, and it works by softening the poo rather than by irritating the bowel so your insides don't get dependent on it, as can happen with laxatives. Plus it tastes very sweet, so it's easy to add to breakfast cereal or drinks. The label says it's suitable for under-5s. BB's is prescribed by his doctor, but it's also available OTC here. Hope this helps.

  2. I will check into it... thank you!

  3. I know you may not be comfortable, but it worked for me....

    my son has constipation issues ever since he was 4 months old. at that point, I was still nursing, so I basically stopped eating all whole wheats, dairy, veggies and fruits (in that order) and then he was fine.
    Once I stopped eating all those foods, if I'd start again (by mistake, if I forgot etc. he'd get real constipated again.)

    Once he started eating his own solids, it started up again, and 1/2 capful, sometimes just a 1/4 capful, if his BMs were too loose, helped him a great deal. With no obvious side effects.

    good luck

  4. the dosages was mixed with 1/2 cup water, or whole cup water. 1/2 cup water was more reliable for him to drink the whole thing. Sorry to have forgotten that important info.
